Clock Work - Key Facts for Potential Buyers and Recommenders
This web site presents a significant and broad amount of information for Clock Work, and I would guess more than any other 50' boat on YW. I want this page to be a cheat sheet for where to find information the potential buyer or Recommender Program participant might look for without having to click on everything on the site. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND ABANDON ALL HOPE FOR THIS SITE TO WORK ON MOBILE - Sorry, I tried.. whack a mole. Tech is not even close to what it used to be.
Clock Work
CW is 2005 Nordic Tug - Located: Portsmouth, RI
Key competitive facts
Cummins 6CT engine - fully mechanical engine control --> RELIABILITY BY DESIGN
2300hr - Over 75% of projected engine life remaining
Fly-bridge, gen-2 layout (usability), new thrusters w/ dock hold (single-hand it),
See "Why CW" and "Photos/Videos" under Clock Work in top menu
See "walk thru" in Overview album, see Video Tour album for more
Clock Work is priced by my assessment of inventory of a boat meeting these criteria: 100% mechanical - competitive hrs- 2nd gen layout- flybridge
Inventory - sparse - (9/12, 9/21, 9/30, 10/6 inventory – #east coast NT42’s = none)
Right now.. and for the last many weeks, CW has been the only NT42 on the east coast
Current Option 1 price: $525,000
Current Option 2 price: $475,000
Option 1 is a completely traditional sale, fully inventory-driven
Option 2 is me paying any buyer $50,000 to keep me as far away from any more marine service providers. It's not for everyone and was initially requested by an interested potential buyer. I have plenty of 3rd party evidence it ran like a top when it went on the hard for genuinely interested parties.
Three endorsements of my standard of care..
If interested in the Clock Work Recommender Program (1.5% commission to THE recommender) click here.
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