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The Clock Work Common Broker Program


Updated: Oct 10, 2024


For the vast majority of time in 2024 and earlier, Clock Work has been not

just the only purely mechanical 42 on the east coast (i.e. more reliable.. cf many blogs), but often the only 42 on the east coast.. it’s obviously worth finding.


(9/12, 9/21, 9/30, 10/6 inventory – #east coast mechanical NT42’s = ZERO)


Announcing a new approach to promoting that I’m hoping greatly reduces the need to write more blogs (the blog-cycle). A book I’m writing on decision-making is running away section-wise, and I am concerned for the trees.


The choice to move to this new method of connecting with potential buyers was influenced substantially by a change in my trust level of a certain yachting institution discussed in another blog. Major design goals of this new system are to..

  1. Be able to connect with more potential buyers looking for a Nordic Tug 42 by bypassing gate-keepers who might wish to conceal a non-MLS opportunity from their clients. And...

  2. Establish a network of recommenders who can more quickly connect potential buyers who themselves don’t visit common online destinations to consider Clock Work, a pathway I’ve had to ignore due to bandwidth until now.

Seems an easy fix.. just replace the whole mess with my own field sales team comprised of whoever can get the job done. The only thing the selling needs are finders.. not describers.. not ad writers.. not "Nordic Tug" experts... not inventory "experts". Just the awareness of interested potential buyers. This frees up the deal’s unspent buyer broker dollars to motivate whoever brings the ultimate buyer, while keeping listing broker and buyer brokerage $$$ appropriately unspent to fund the Option 2 discount to the ultimate buyer.  Simpler to manage... self-funding... superior description for potential buyer... no BS secrecy or ethics issues [See end-note 1.5]...  If you bring the ultimate buyer to Clock Work, you (and obviously the buyer) win. So to whomever’s reading this...


WELCOME to the Clock Work Sales Team!!!

You are already on board!




The Clock Work Common Broker Program

“No anti-trust suits, so far!”


Program elevator pitch 


Compensate THE guy, whoever that is (8.5 billion possibles), who introduces the ultimate buyer to Clock Work for a significant fraction of what a buyer’s broker would earn... while assuming no responsibilities beyond making the introduction.  I’ll make them aware of the site, get them aboard CW if they wish after viewing it, answer any questions, and then stand back and let them decide if they want it.


For the Option 1 price currently listed on the HOME page as I type this..

$525K.. that amounts to a $7875 commission.

The option 2 price will change more frequently, so pls feel free to do that math. Spoiler: doesn't suck either.


Or, enough to at least tap the 9000% Suggested Tip option

and finally escape a judgy look from your barista!!


Yes, there will be some rules to shield me from more.. integrity-dissociated.. operators (in YACHTING?!?!?!) [See end-note 4].


How do you recommend someone?

If you have someone that you feel is interested in possibly purchasing a Nordic Tug 42, or even just an unspecified reliable trawler in general, ask them if it’s ok to recommend them (please, because I loathe what "tech" has done to privacy) and CLICK HERE and follow the simple instructions. But also, please don't think you have to "sign up" to BE a recommender. If you have a pulse, you are already in. The program is for registering your potential buyer and your name as the person who introduced them to Clock Work. Corollary though.. if that potential buyer tells two people, it's the FIRST (by email time stamp) guy to register that person.

A few comments on your lead winning "the race"

  • The commission for the current Option 1 selling price is $7875 if your lead buys Clock Work.

  • You have to put in, say, upwards of 30-60 seconds to register your recommendation.

  • I'd be surprised to see more than 100 referrals. If one of them buys the boat, you have a 1% chance of it being you who gets the $7875.

  • That's ~$473,000/hr.

  • vs Powerball: The probability of winning is somewhat lower... 0.0000000009, but then top paydays are in the $1-2B range.... so do both!  

Please ensure you read the rules before submitting. Thanks and good luck!


End Notes

Sorry about the mismatch of numbered order vs the text. Life is short.


[End-note 1] The ideas of ethics and professionalism will be used here to evaluate business decisions and adjust the path forward for how selling Clock Work will be pursued. I’m in this market... the behaviors and acts I’m bringing up affect/harm me and potential buyers.. and I have a right to protect myself. I have not and do not intend to specifically identify them or their companies. As I explain above, my immediate reflex when I am faced with what I see.. what MIGHT be.... unethical/unprofessional behavior is to break contact and replace them. NEVER worth the risk of doing otherwise.


[End-note 1.5] To return to a basic systems principle emphasized throughout this site, if the presence of an organ or property of a system constitutes a vulnerability to the user or the system itself, and the organ/vulnerability is removed from a system at design time, failures from that vulnerability cannot occur. Sort of like Clock Work having a vastly lower complexity engine control than post EPA Tier 2 engines (A Public Thank You to the EPA)

[End-note 4]   In my day job, I've encountered people with nothing better to do than try to game a system by shot-gunning random entries attempting to transform something intended to be surgical into something pretend-clever for their own undeserved gain. Of course, they expect you to be ok with it.


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