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CW Recommender Program

Objective of this Program

There is a spirit to this, which is to introduce me to the ultimate buyer of the boat, and for me to provide a non-trivial thank you to that introducer.

The Central Idea

A finder's fee of 1.5% of the selling price will be paid for introducing a Potential Buyer to Clock Work in the manner stipulated below,  if...

  • That person does buy and pay for Clock Work within 120 days and successfully and fully completes becoming the new owner. 

  • The Potential Buyer must be new and unknown to me at the time it’s submitted.. this program is about new people.

  • And satisfies the other requirements stated here. 


  • Fill out the recommendation form under CONTACT at the top/MENU bar.

  • I will periodically send out welcome messages to Potential Buyers and that email will likely mention who recommended them. Decency.

  • Anyone may submit up to two names. No thirds, please. If you have a real third, just let me know by the CONTACT form.  Unfortunately part of the necessary "jerk management". 

  • The finder's fee will be paid 21 days after the entire sale is 100% completed.. i.e. is uncontested and funds have cleared. 

  • There will be at most 1 Finder Fee awarded. 

  • The start date of this program is now if you like, but I may be finalizing these rules a bit longer.

  • In the event more than one Recommender put forth the same Potential Buyer, the one with the earlier email date from the Clock Work web site form will be the Recommender of record. Do note.. this date stuff is only used to break a tie for multiple recommenders. They are not “put in order” for the purpose of subsequent discussions with me.

  • BEFORE YOU DEPART.. I'm certain you didn't have an interested party to recommend the moment you saw this announcement. Please note the web site HOME page before you go if you think this is something you'd do. It there's a race condition with another recommender, make it easy to get there first. Good luck.

In Closing

  • All decisions by the judge (me) are final

  • I reserve the right to cancel or change the program.

  • If the program is cancelled or changed including the commission after you registered your lead, your original rate still applies as well as the rules that were in place.

  • To complete payment, you will obviously have to provide your necessary tax payer information.

  • PLEASE pardon the deluge of rules and process. I want to make sure I take proper care of whoever gets me over the finish line, and at the same time, not foolishly fail to erect the necessary jerk-defenses. Common sense (as defined by me) will prevail, and if you don’t trust me, please do not  participate. Consider this a variant of the General Prudential Rule. Any screw ups/mistakes/acts of nature/technical issues (and OMG, especially technical/technology issues)/pandemics... whatever... will be reduced to a 100% don't-care status after the fact.

  • Putting my ancient-guy designer hat on, I could not trust less the technology with which I’m implementing the selling process and the recommender program... the email... the web platform... whatever else secretly sticks its beak into the soup. Collecting form data has been a lossy process for a variety of reasons mentioned in blogs.

© 2023 MV Clock Work

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